About Me
Hi there, I’m April Caswell. Here’s my story….
As a first-time mom, I worked hard to save money on groceries. I used a LOT of texturized vegetable protein (TVP or soy) and made “chili” and many other dishes. I served packaged meatless soy burgers and "chicken” nuggets. Since I worked full-time as a systems engineer and was often stressed by time constraints, we often ate out at restaurants and fast food drive-through places. Whoops, there goes the saving money idea.
Around the time my baby was eight months old, I started having horrible hot flashes that didn’t flash; they persisted. Even in zero-degree winter weather, I’d have the windows rolled down and could not even put my back against the cloth driver’s seat. I was still nursing but hadn’t gotten my period back, so I was concerned. Ultimately I decided to wean my baby to start trying for baby #2. Guess what? I never did get my period back.
I was so incredibly stressed out. I saw a fertility specialist who diagnosed me with Premature Ovarian Failure and PCOS. Thankfully I had my miracle baby! But I’d so longed for a sibling for her. It took me years to discover and admit that my poor nutrition and resulting metabolic dysregulation played a starring role in the stress of secondary infertility and the other cascading health problems I ended up fighting later in life. In the intervening years of slowly coming to value a more holistic view of whole foods and making more nurturing lifestyle changes, I decided to make all my new knowledge into an official career.
After discovering the Nutritional Therapy Association, I completed their course and earned a certificate as a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner. What a joy it has been! I firmly wish that I could impart everything I learned to kids, teens, adults, couples who are planning to start a family, and families in general. I know my earlier issues may have been avoided.
Are you feeling overwhelmed and depleted? Would you like to build your body’s resiliency to the stress in your life so that you can get better sleep, improve your digestion, and live with vitality in connection with the people you do life with? Perhaps even lose a couple of pounds? Get in touch with me!