What is Nutritional Therapy?
What is Nutritional Therapy?
Optimizing the pillars of nutrient-rich foods, mindful eating, and lifestyle changes support the body in achieving balance and results in you feeling better! In Nutritional Therapy, we assess areas of bio-individual needs and do the detective work to address specific symptoms with specific foods, movement, stress reduction, sleep support, and more.
What is an NTP?
An NTP is a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner. NTP can help transform more optimal functioning of the body through properly prepared nutrient-dense foods and the other pillars of lifestyle, stress management, and movement. As an NTP, I do not diagnose or treat at all, but rather work to come up with an individualized plan to support your body’s ability to achieve homeostasis and balance.
Who is the NTA?
The Nutritional Therapy Association has a program to help holistically minded people become Nutritional Therapy Practitioners. This robust training takes nutrition, movement, lifestyle, culinary skills, physiology, and bio-individualized considerations to support optimal functioning of our bodies and minds. It should be required learning by everyone! If you’re considering a deeper dive into nutrition and wellness, let me know and I can give you a referral code.